
I live in Hamburg, Germany and I struggle with almost everything with comes with being social.

I I’m a student of a small university and am in the 7th semester. Also I’m there for a long time, I barely know some people. In the first semesters I had social phobia, (which I still have) which stopped me totally from socialising. Nowadays there are this closed groups everywhere. In the readings, the seminars etc.. I really would like to find new friends, but it’s really hard to talk to other people, when everybody has its tribe and you just have a small time window to talk to people before and after events. And most of the time the time is not enough to get to know the other person.

Maybe U have ideas what would be a effective way to get the people to know better

  1. You have to strike up a nice conversation, and then INVITE the person to do something with you to get to know them better. Something like — go out for a lunch or a cup of coffee/tea. Study together. Go for a walk or run. Go to the gym together. Check out something on campus together. Etc.

    People don’t just connect based on words exchanged. They usually connect on the EMOTION felt during the conversation. So, bring some passion for: yourself, the other person, and LIFE ITSELF.

    Good luck!

  2. r/Hamburg

    You won’t believe it but in these kind of subs there’s always people willing to meet friends and new people in the city that will be super happy to have a guide around!

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