So I (f19) I got with this guy…

It was already off to a bad start when I took off my shirt and he went “damn you’re actually pretty hot”, I was like wtf who says that, but I was like eh I’m horny, he’s here, let’s just continue.

It got horrible when he went to go down on me, and all of a sudden he goes “is that you or me?”. I was like “what?” I look and like when I get wet it’s kinda like creamy, I go “That’s me?”. He goes “ew that’s disgusting”, and I’m like “what do you mean, that’s my bodily fluids?”

He then tried to tell me that it’s not normal and all this stuff and that he’s never seen that and this shit. I was speechless. He left and I just broke down crying.

I always make sure to clean myself before I get with a guy, so like how can I control that happening in the time I go to the washroom vs getting with a guy? Am I in the wrong?

I just feel so disgusted in myself ugh

  1. You are normal, his sex education just seems to have failed him miserably. People‘s natural sexual lubrication can just, be super creamy. Also he sounds like an asshole, so that too.

  2. You’re probably normal and he’s an idiot but just in case I’d head to a gyno to make sure it’s not something out of the ordinary.

    He sounds immature though. It’s best he left.

  3. Apparently it’s clueless boys (not calling this guy a man) day on /r/sex today…

    He’s an idiot, he thinks if it’s not in porn it’s not “normal” and you are absolutely totally utterly fine. I swear most of us eventually grown out of this sort of dumb-assery but that’s not really an excuse: it should never happen at all.

  4. Just sounds like he’s very inexperienced 🤷🏾‍♂️ I can understand his reaction if he’s never experienced that before but his way of going about it was very immature. Keep your head up, it’s not you

  5. He’s immature, inexperienced and just an idiot. Even if something is less than desirable during sex (lots of stuff can happen….premature ejaculation, farting, body hair, accidental BO, etc), he was a complete moron for saying something about you is disgusting.

    Secondly, what happaned is completely normal and common. You were not at all wrong. Try not to let his misinformed and immature opinion get to you, he missed out, not you.

  6. It’s completely normal, he’s just immature. You had a heads up for that with his opening line. Don’t feel bad. Just better luck next time, I guess. Not all guys are this dumb.

  7. No you are not, he’s an immature and inexperienced jerk who was making you feel bad. I’m sorry you had to deal with that.

  8. The only thing wrong was you having sex with a boy who ain’t seen enough to know what’s normal. Chalk it up to the pains of learning to have sex and deal with shitty guys (a proper teaching moment) but seriously nothing is wrong with you!

  9. Fuck that guy, what an immature little bitch.

    Are you on the pill? I know that caused me to go “creamy” but, it is kind of the intent to stop sperm swimming.

  10. Yeah he’s just immature.
    Nothing gross about your fluids.
    Sorry that happened to you. But time to move on from that boy.

  11. damn what a asshole.If i am with a girl and she is soaking wet, i get hard as a fucking rock knowing that something i am doing is making her that way (ok at least in my mind) Im gonna see how sloppy wet i can make her.

  12. You are totally normal.

    And that guy is very weird. My man knows he’s doing things right when I’m so turned on that that’s what he is going down to. He sounds inexperienced. I also know my fluids vary from thinner and clearer to creamy and thick according to my cycle. I no longer cycle (BC) so it’s permanently in the middle zone really, but hormones change alot down there.

  13. Facepalm 🤦‍♀️ for him. You are fine and deserve better immature boys you will quietly chuckle to yourself when you get older on the horrible parts and realize it gets better. In all honesty I think boys need to learn to be respectful if we are naked for them, we are being vulnerable and they are too don’t be rude. But there are better guys out there and even in your age group. Sadly some of them do not out grow this.

  14. You’re good here. He’s an idiot.

    Most guys would totally enjoy the moment.

    Youll run into AHs and nice guys.

    Best to stick with the nice ones.

    Don’t give it another thought.

  15. Imagine thinking it’s a flex not to know that women cream.

    You just saved yourself the worst sex of your life, sister. You are NOT wrong and he doesn’t know much about pleasing a woman.

  16. I’d urge you to think of this in a different way.

    This is really a moment to revel/take pity/laugh at him. He’s so poorly educated in women that he’s actually embarrassing. This is an educational failure on his part and you definitely have a right to feel hurt, but he’s truly an idiot either by lack of exposure or willful lack of attention to any sort of educational material.

    His mom would be embarrassed and he’s an embarrassment, think of him like you would the male 5 year old child who asked you why you have boobs.

    Lol, that’s like asking why men get hard and calling it gross. I’m so sorry you had to suffer this fool OP. I hope you can laugh about it soon.

  17. That guy sounds like Ben Shapiro.


    > I just feel so disgusted in myself ugh

    Oh dear, please don’t! Your body is functioning perfectly awesomely! Dude didn’t realize how lucky he was!

  18. Please, please, please!

    Do not let the comments of an immature douche-bag asshole define you or change how you see yourself.

    There is nothing to control. There is nothing to change. There is nothing disgusting going on. You are completely normal.

    Fuck him (figuratively).

  19. Uhhhh that’s completely normal. You know your body . Don’t let this guy say what’s normal or not for you.

    Girl it was a blessing that he left. You don’t want someone that ignorant in your life. You’re probably ovulating which is what causes that creamy consistency. Someone that dumb doesn’t deserve that Punani anyway. ✌🏻✌🏻

  21. Did…did you go on a date with Ben Shapiro? You are not the odd one in this scenario. Sounds like a jerk

  22. There’s nothing wrong with you. Myself (36) and pretty much all of my peers think that’s hot. Dude sounds like an uneducated douche.

  23. You’re %1000 normal. I’ve never been with a girl who didn’t get creamy wet when she was extremely turned on. I mean he’s absolutely oblivious to how a female body works, so PLEASE don’t let this stupid asshole hurt your self confidence. If you were to tell your girl and guy friends who knows anything about sex about this, they’d probably make fun of you for hooking up with a guy that was so stupid. But they would say it’s not you, he’s just stupid.

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