Hello dear redditers, I’d like to ask an advice without context to get objective answers.
The advice is obviously about people, like talking to someone, expressing feelings and such.
The main question is:
Would you regret more something you didn’t do but you had the chance to
Something you did but it would have been better if you didn’t?
Thank you!

  1. Personally, I hate being left with the question of “what if?” If there is no massive, life altering risk involved, you miss all the shots you don’t take.

  2. In my opinion, it’s more regretful not to do anything than having done something as the what ifs are more painful and disappointing. I don’t know what your story is so I can’t really give advice. If we are talking about relationships, I would rather take my shot and be rejected compared to not doing anything and think about the what could have been… For me, seizing the moment is better than missing an opportunity, if that makes sense.

  3. The answer here can only be it depends. However, as a general rule, I’d rather regret something I did then something I didn’t do. If I ask a woman out and she says no, then I know I tried and that’s life. If I don’t do anything, you’ll never know what could have happened, which sucks.

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