So I met a really nice guy using OLD and so far we have been on a couple of dates and I really enjoyed our dates (and I think he did too). The problem is that so far we haven’t done anything more than hug when leaving. No hand holding or even kissing. We talk pretty much daily as well. The problem is although I have no problems making the first move as a I feel that it would be wrong to do it with him. I’ve tried having prolonged hugs standing close and other flirty stuff like that but not sure if he is just too shy or he likes me more as a friend and not see me as potential gf material.

I want to text him to ask but no idea what to say without sounding harsh as I can sometimes be too blunt. Like do you like me why haven’t you tried to kiss me even though we have gone out for like 2 months now. Kinda feel like giving up because I’m so unsure of it all.

  1. if its been 2 months and a handful of dates with no progress, why havent you initiated in any of them? did you get the vibe he wasnt interested? did you try maybe just grabbing his arm as you walk?

    the next logical thing would be able to ask him about it.

  2. He should initiate a kiss if he’s serious. Initiation for me is first asking, “may I kiss you?” and then going in for a gentle kiss if she says yes. You could try to reverse it and ask him if you could kiss him.

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