

So I’m a 26-year-old girl who works as a CNA, and I go to UCLA part-time, so I work part-time and go to UCLA part-time. I live in Los Angeles county. I don’t talk to my neighbors because the ones up front sit out front for hours and invite their family over, and they gossip about me right in front of me when Covid was happening to go, like, where is she going? What was she doing when I was going to get my nursing license?

I’m also irritated because the woman across the way constantly leaves stuff for days in our shared laundry machine but complains if you move it, and she also had a boyfriend that sexually harassed me for years. She would constantly invite them back to the apartment. They would sit at the bottom of the stairs and harass him about my not wanting to talk to him. One time he barged into my apartment, and I had to force him out.I never complained about the landlord about this stuff. Still, I completely ignored this woman’s Neighbor because her boyfriend harassed me, and I don’t like the neighbors upfront because they’re friends with this neighbor lady. she acts like I’m a complete b\*tch because I’m angry. After all, she would invite a guy that would harass m.

Well, new neighbors move in, and my neighbors tell them that I’m psycho and crazy and not to talk to me. My neighbors are all 40, and I’m like 26 years old. My new neighbors are in their late 20s or something. I’ve never introduced myself or talked to them, but they constantly leave their blinds open at night or their blinds open, pointing toward the hallway. I have to pass by their apartment to get to my car or to go to leave the apartment, and their apartment is in my line of vision.

They constantly passive-aggressively close the blinds like I’m trying to peep into their apartment. I’m starting to get irritated by this cause they need to get privacy curtains or something. I honestly want nothing to do with them, and I don’t understand why they have their way open at night.

They gossip about me to the other neighbors and call me weird and shit because I don’t talk to them and try to keep to myself. Why do my neighbors gossip about me? I

  1. Maybe because (a) you live in a shitty neighborhood, (b) you are different from everyone else because you’re in college, and (c) you’re an easy target because you never talk to anyone.

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