We have been dating for 9 months. We’ve had issues arise over the last 2 that finally led to me breaking up with her. She didn’t want to share small financial details and other life details that were putting a strain on our relationship. Since we both travel for work it’s hard to tell what it is without being there in person. I consistently asked her to tell me what was wrong and try to figure it out Because she was acting different. I would constantly be doing work for her and her family. And she wouldn’t go out of her way to come see me or do anything for me. Finally I just got to a breaking point and I broke it of. Almost immediately after she tells me what is going on. If I don’t know in the burden she was under it would have changed a lot of things. Now she wants to keep the snap streak we have but not talk and in a few months maybe rekindle things. I’m not sure I want to. There’s another problems and I have my own issues. Instead of trying to talk about it now it may be worth through then she wants to just go silent and see what happens a few months. I personally think we should give each other some space for a little while and become friends and go from there. She stuck on what she wants to do. I’m not sure how to handle this

She wants to not communicate for the next few months and keep our snapchat streak though. We won’t consider giving each other time and being friends 1st. I’m not sure what to do

  1. I think you shouldn’t waste your time. You gave this relationship a fair shot and she couldn’t be honest with you until you were already broken up — and now she’s demanding that you put your personal life on hold for months, too? Nah. Funny how she had no problem accepting favors from you, though. There are plenty of women out there who don’t play games and who show you upfront that they’re interested, and reciprocate your efforts.

    And just to add: just because _she_ wants something, doesn’t mean that it’s what’s best for you, or that you have to agree with her.

  2. I agree completely. She told me to move on but wants me to continue our snap streak which makes no sense at all but doesn’t want me to talk to her. Thank you

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