What is something that men are praised for doing but it’s actually the bare minimum?

  1. Taking care of a child. No man should be put on a pedestal for taking care of his child.

  2. Sticking around for the kids they chose to have. Respecting a woman’s choice or anyones choice for that matter. Simply existing

  3. There’s a reason jimmy neutron is based on a boy and not a girl. It’s a really funny show based on the premise alone


    a young boy genius constantly invents new things and creates a wave of problems with each invention, ranging from an alien invasion to a robot Takeover. Each episode he ends up solving the problem with another invention, and looks like a hero each time


    Cindy vortex accurately points out jimmy neutron is actually the main villain and the creator of all of these problems and only appears intelligent because he solves the messes he creates, thus taking away the star power from the real smart person, Cindy vortex who does not ever trigger an alien invasion into earth


    a long time ago seth mcfarlane made a joke about how the United States will soon be fighting Syrian terrorists because it creates its enemies every 5-10 years by arming and funding them first. I think national security is easily the area men are overpraised for, every problem we are dealing with was started by men with major egos and really bad perceptions about where their actions would lead. For example, bush meets with taliban in White House just a few months before he accuses them of attacking the world trade centers.

  4. Doing housework, it bugs me how many men believe they’re doing you a favour when they help around

  5. honestly everything lol, if they’re the breadwinner they get praise, being a single-dad, chores, watching their kids. I feel like it’s all expected of women to do the homemaking, but they don’t share the praise even if they work and do all the housework or are the breadwinner.

  6. For respecting women,
    I heard it so many times it’s hard to count.
    It’s always “He is a such a good husband he never hits me”
    Like sweetheart, he should never hit you.

  7. Being a hands on dad ( women expected to map out and organize pretty much most if not all aspects of their child’s life, being honest with women, treating them like a human being and not like an object.

  8. Literally any situation where they’re helping or caring for someone other than themselves.

  9. For not being blatantly terrible

    He paid for my dinner, didn’t follow me home, or murder me.

    Prince Charming, obviously

  10. Voting for a corporate Democrat with the same class interests as rich Republicans but who isn’t in favor of mass shooters at gay bars.

  11. Being loyal and not cheating
    Doing housework and helping with domestic tasks.
    Not being terrible.

  12. Loyalty… Including proper conduct on social media. Men who don’t follow IG baddies/ex-things are framed as saints because it’s so common for dudes to be in relationships but cultivate an IG feed of soft-pron and then expect their gf to be ok with it.

    Additionally, when men can cook a meal, bake something, do laundry (including folding it!) they’re treated as though these things are really remarkable skills for an adult.

  13. He answered your texts? Normal. He introduced you to his friends? Normal. He makes plans to see you and he communicates? Normal. Women need to stop being impressed by the bare minimum.

  14. Anything that is deemed typically feminine in society. Like taking care of their damn fingernails or skin lmao

  15. Not fucking raping women.

    I want to scream every time I read a post from a man who humble brags about not having taken advantage of a drunk attractive (because this is always soooo important to mention) woman, or a woman who praises her male partner for having stopped during sex when she said she didn’t like something he did. And then you have the entire comment field joining in praising these men to the skies, telling them what amazing, wonderful and kind men they are. It’s absolutely appalling. What the fuck.

  16. Doing chores in/around the house. Taking care of their kids; especially when they change diapers…

  17. Asking for consent. Like, it’s literally BELOW the bare minimum. Consent is sexy, my guys.

  18. This is a very distasteful question. If the reverse was asked in the r/askmen sub, women would be out with their pitchforks.

  19. I have no idea how they need so much assurance that they are doing the correct things in order to make sure they don’t get in trouble with us and then act like they’ve known the process all along

    It’s like.. I’m standing right here lol.

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