Lately my partner has been obsessed with improving his health even though he is already very healthy and exercises and eats right. It is almost exclusively what he talks about. I am very proud of him and what he is doing (exercising more, stopping vaping, working out twice a day, eating exclusively meat and veggies) but it is really getting old how much he talks about it. All he talks about is how excited he is to workout again, how much he wants to lift next week, the benefits of not overstimulating your brain with dopamine, a new podcast he listened to about health, how he is going to try and go to minor leagues for his sport, how he hates himself for overeating occasionally (when we do enjoy a good meal together all he will talk about is how much he is going to have to fast after), how he would only be happy if he was healthier.

I know I should be super proud of him which I am. I also am healthy and exercise nearly daily and help cook him healthy meals but I also enjoy living my life and I hate feel like I have to flagellate myself for being “lazy” or eating a good tasty meal once in a while. I also am sick of talking about how to improve health. I love a healthy life but I don’t go on and on about it either. He says he likes telling me all about his fitness goals because it makes them a reality for him and encourages him to be better.

This is a new change for him, for him to be so obsessed. We used to talk about deep things together like meaning of life and movies and fun things we observe in the world but recently it’s all been about fitness and when I bring up another topic not related to fitness he seems disinterested.

What do I do!?

  1. Traeger? That you? Lol

    This seems a little unhealthy, especially the part where he cannot enjoy a nice meal together without worrying about his next fast. This is something you two should sit down and talk about. Ask him what is driving his new focus on health, ask him why he worries about fasting during date meals. Try and figure out what’s going on here – there is likely something going on. Maybe a health scare, maybe just feeling great has become a compulsion, maybe he is trying to impress you or someone else, or maybe something totally different.

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