I went out with a guy i met from a dating app. I felt a connection, i thought he was into me and i think i showed him signs i was into him too. I really want to see him again but he hasnt texted me since our date. He texted me that night to check if i reached home safely and i thanked him but thats that. A day has passed since that. I want him to lead the romance, i want to have more feminine energy because before i have persued men too much and have had my heart broken. Till now he has always texted first. Should i text him and just talk to him? I understand men are also tired of showing too much effort. Also, he paid for the date. It wasnt anything expensive but i didnt even offer to pay. Lol i just went to the b room. Is that a bad thing?

EDIT: I texted him, he responded after 4 hours, i responded when i was done with food (like in an hour, im trying not to play games) anyways. Surprise, surprise; he’s dry..

New question: I feel like guys sell this version, and they exactly know what to say that women will eat up, like im looking for a serious commitment, an emotional connection is more important to me because sex i can get anywhere, I dont play games etc etc.

I on the other hand am my genuine self. I do think i get comfortable and a bit vulnerable quickly. Maybe i give too much info away.

(I’m sure i will get alot of criticism for this) but im tired of being genuine and getting discarded, i want to manipulate too and have them hooked and then decide whether i like them or not. If I want to pursue the guy further i.e.. Any thoughts on what stuff men really want to hear and will keep wanting to pursue me?

Please be kind Xx

  1. I don’t think anyone should really stress and think about who should text who first. I would text him and if he doesn’t reply then let it go.

  2. Just text him and say thank you or I appreciate the date, how’s your day going? Or something 🙂

  3. You can call/text or wait and pray. I’d prefer to make things happen instead if I were you. If you dont want to ask him out and plan the next date then at least text him, yeah?

    >Also, he paid for the date. It wasnt anything expensive but i didnt even offer to pay. Lol i just went to the b room. Is that a bad thing?

    Yes, but may or may not be a dealbreaker to him. Did you at least properly thank him? If not then open with that in your text. And don’t dodge the bill next time. It’s not cool

  4. >He texted me that night to check if i reached home safely and i thanked him

    Yeah, that was nice, and considerate of him.


    >A day has passed since that.

    A whole day?

    Give it time. He might still be processing it, to decide what happened for him.

    A little patience…


    > I want him to lead the romance, i want to have more feminine energy

    Excellent! A woman who knows who she is, and what she wants.

    Also more traditional in her expectations. I had given up hope that such people still existed!

    A shame too few men can appreciate this, and, more importantly, know how to respond appropriately.


    >Should i text him and just talk to him?

    A better move might be to text him, and let him know you’d love to talk to him on the phone.

    If he has at least one active brain cell, and even the slightest interest, he won’t need to be told twice.

    Plus, you will have achieved your goal of “leading,” without actually having to lead. And… maybe… it’ll encourage him to be more proactive, because it’s a lot less scary and uncertain now.


    > I understand men are also tired of showing too much effort.

    That’s bull.

    If they are too wimpy to stay with it, then they deserve to be trampled to death in the stampede.

    Successful dating requires persistence and determination, qualities sorely lacking in some quarters.


    >Also, he paid for the date. It wasnt anything expensive but i didnt even offer to pay.

    And if it’s a first date, it should be expected that he pay, especially if he was the one who proposed and arranged it.

    Now, just because he paid does not “entitle” him in terms of how the date ends… *if* you know what I’m saying…


    > Lol i just went to the b room. Is that a bad thing?


    This was quite appropriate.

    It’s a nice way to finesse this situation. 😊

    You sound like more than a woman. You might even be… a *lady*! *gasp* 😁 A rare and precious find! A price above rubies, to be sure!

    But alas… so many men (I use the term loosely, to describe this modern crop of males in their 20s) don’t remember, or even ever learned how to treat a lady, or ever seen it modeled in their lives.

    So be prepared to kiss a lot of frogs before one turns into a prince. Or a knight. Or maybe even a well-mannered stable-boy who “cleans up” well…

  5. Sounds like you’re playing games and that’s a red flag. Just be yourself. Dating shouldn’t be this complicated. Act like a person.

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