I(18F) have been dating my bf (18M) for almost 3 years now. Recently both of us had to go thru a break for a month or so. then finally after a week’s no-contact break, we both decided to reconcile and see and discuss the problems we were facing and made sure we don’t make the mistake again.

Things got better for both of us and he’s been extremely loving and caring ever since we sorted things out. But, im still so scared. im so scared to completely trust him again as i thought both of us were in a very secure relationship and that was the last thing for me to worry about. im scared that he will let me go again, so right now it’s kinda like im ready for anything to take place in our relationship.

should I tell him about how i feel? i dont want to make him feel guilty or bad about everything that happened because i know he felt very guilty after initiating the breakup talk and he’s trying to mend it as well and i can absolutely see him taking effort for me, but yet im not able to trust him as much as i did before our break.

TL;DR!-should i tell my boyfriend that i don’t trust him now as much as i used to?

  1. What were the problems that led to the break? Who made what mistake? How long have you been back together?

  2. Yes, yes you should communicate openly and honestly with your boyfriend.

    Tell him exactly what you said here “You don’t trust him because you are scared he will leave again, it is making it hard for you to feel comfortable with getting close to him or the relationship progressing”

    Before you have this conversation though, try to think of what you need from him or yourself in order to feel better and then ask for it.

  3. If he’s making these efforts to fix things then I don’t think doing something to hurt his confidence is a good move. He might feel things are futile and it could backfire. Praise him for doing things well. Great communication is good but something’s really are best left unsaid. If you’ve got him feeling like things are going well but then hit him with a “I’m still scared” chat, then it might not end up sitting well with him. It’s your relationship at the end of the day so you’ll know what the best move to make is. This is just a different view to consider.

  4. For a good healthy relationship communication is key! Always open up even if it may upset him, he should alsondo the same. The relationship broke down last time because you both didn’t communicate and now you’re doing it again you’re not communicating and you need to. He needs to reasire you and be open you both have to make a promise to always communicate.

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