For context: there was a lady on Twitter who had a group of college boys move next door to her. After a while she noticed that they seemed to only eat pizza (stacks of pizza boxes by the trash) so she decided to cook them chili. Unfortunately, this kind act caused a lot of people to backlash at her to the point where she deactivated her account.

  1. My opinion on it is nuanced. She shouldn’t have been harassed by strangers online, and also it’s best to ask permission before bringing someone unsolicited food, incase they don’t need/want it or they have specific dietary needs etc.

  2. It’s weird as hell. It’s not a woman’s job to keep all the men in the world healthy. And it’s not her business what they do in their own lives. It’s invasive and creepy.

  3. I don’t know anything about it. Cooking for your neighbors can be considered welcoming and polite depending on cultural expectations. I can also see where people with different expectations might see it differently. Easiest way around that is to make the offer and get the neighbor’s acceptance before bringing something over.

    I am not generally thrilled to get random food from neighbors, but I’m aware of the cultural expectations and just thank them for it when it happens.

  4. It’s not a “kind, neighborly act” if you’re posting it on twitter. Good deeds are done in private. She wanted attention, and she got it, just not how she expected it.

    If she had just brought food to her neighbors and they weren’t appreciative – ok fine. Why does the whole world need to know about it?

  5. Hadn’t heard of this, but it sounds ridiculous for ppl to be so judgy of someone just trying to do a nice thing. I agree that maybe checking in first to see if they actually wanted it might have been helpful, but shit ppl used to cook me food all the time when I was a broke college kid.

  6. I hadn’t heard of this but it seems nice and neighborly. Jesus people are strange to judge her harshly for this.

  7. I feel like im missing some information. I don’t see anything wrong with the act itself to be fair. In my culture its a common thing at least the way i was raised.

  8. It seema like people who are offended by it fall into two groups: women who cant handle a woman being kind to young male neighbors, and men who are pissed theyre not getting free chilli.

    Both groups are chronically online and need to touch grass

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