Last tax year (21/22) I overpaid tax. Checked HMRC and they said it would be calculated between June and October. Is there any way I can speed this up as I am quite reliant on this money being returned soonish or do I have to wait on them?

Edit – I’m not currently employed, the work I did was a 12 month placement inbetween uni, I only earned just over 9000 this tax year and have had no other job since

  1. I put in a tax rebate form, took them 4 weeks to send a letter saying it would be 2 months until I got my money back, which, wouldn’t be a lump sum, no. It would be deducted from my next month’s tax 😂

  2. I didn’t get my 20/21 refund until February so this one probably won’t come soon.

    No harm giving HMRC a call and asking

  3. If PAYE and the company is using cloud software for payroll as soon as HMRC recalculates it will be reflected when the next pay run is done. This may be why your partner got it back so quick.

    As you’re not employed anymore reclaiming direct through HMRC will be a much more lengthy process.

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