I would like marriage and kids one day, marriage by 30 and three kids by 40 ideally. I’m trying to find women who have similar enough political views (center-right) who are within three years of my age who also want this but I’m having no luck. I’m a 22 straight guy btw. Most of the people in my generation don’t care about family, marriage, kids, etc. and are left wing and the ones that aren’t left wing are usually extremely religious hard right wingers. At this rate I’m screwed especially with my bad luck with being able to maintain a woman’s interest beyond a hookup

1 comment
  1. What are “center-right political views”?

    And, if I don’t know, I suspect few women would have a clue.

    You do need to up your game apparently, if you expect to hold a woman’s interest beyond a hookup.

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