I was in a relationship and engaged to someone for 4 years. It was such a tumultuous relationship. 1 month together, 2 weeks broken up for ALL 4 years. But through this much conflict we showed each other all parts of ourselves, including the ugliest parts. We loved each other like no other, and we were best friends (we shared EVERYTHING with each other). She knew me like no other and we balanced each other so well. It’s been 3 years since that relationship ended and I still thing think about her everyday. Listen to her music she wrote for me and actually discovered this heartbreaking album she released dedicated to me. It ignited hope within me that maybe she’s truly still in love with me. The conversations we had in the past were so intense. I know she still thinks of me often too. I know she’s in another relationship and they seem happy and I don’t want to ruin that, bc I want her to be happy. But I know if they ever break up I’d drop everything to be with her again. I have a girlfriend right now and I truly love her, but she doesn’t GET me like my ex did. Nor does she balance me out like my ex did. She doesn’t excite me like my ex did. I’m wondering if maybe my ex and I just trauma bonded and I got high off the ups and downs or if maybe we truly were meant for each other. I never used to believe that ‘you complete me’ stuff, but I’m certain she was the love of my life. Thoughts? Advice?

  1. Sounds like you have a lot of unresolved feelings for your ex, which isn’t fair to your current girlfriend. Especially with you saying you’d drop everything for your ex even though it’s been years. I’d suggest therapy.

  2. I think if you have been feeling that way for a while and have a girlfriend at the moment. I think you need to get separate as it’s not fair on either of you.

    You are really wanting this other girl. If you have just thought this recently you might just be having slight doubts. You need to think about it.

  3. I doubt you truly love your girlfriend when you’re still in love with your ex. Drop her, she deserves better than you, and that’s because it sounds like you’ll end up hurting her in the end.

    You also deserve happiness and to be with someone that is your soulmate.

  4. Soulmates don’t break up every month, toxic couples do. Maybe you are just addicted to the drama. Do your new GF a favor and break up with her, she deserves better than some guy still hung up on a sh*tshow on-again-off-again relationship.

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