I’m 22F and I’ve an ongoing relationship with a guy at my workplace , He’s cute and caring towards me but ive never had a sexual encounter before in my life but the next time we go on a date we’ve decided to explore physical intimacy, He wants to go down on me and eat me out and I’m quite anxious about it? I don’t know if i should be but I’m mostly worried about how it’s gonna taste for him or if it’s going to smell ( I’m very hygienic but it’s still bothering me a bit i don’t want the experience to be sour especially when this is going to be a memorable one for me and for him too because it’s our first time being intimate )

  1. If the guy has specifically told you he wants to eat you out, it means that he probably REALLY likes “dining at the Y”, likes the taste, likes the smell, etc. Not every guy even wants it to be pristine clean.

    I once heard it said that performing oral on a girl is the ultimate combination of all 5 senses in a single action … touch, taste, smell, sound and sight. What better form of sensory overload could there be …?

  2. If he wants to it’s probably because he loves doing it, loves the taste, loves how it looks and feels. Everyone smells and tastes slightly different, but a healthy clean person is usually a lovely smell and taste during oral.

  3. Try to relax and enjoy the experience. If a guy brings it up, he is into it and wants to please you. Regular hygiene is all that’s needed. You don’t have to do anything special. Women sometimes feel awkward about it, but you don’t need to. If a guy is really into it, the taste and smell is just wonderful. Hopefully he loves it as much as you do, because it is an awesome experience when that happens.

  4. You can ease your anxiety to some degree by fingering yourself and then smell and taste your finger. Unless something is badly wrong, it’s going to smell and taste just fine, nothing objectionable.

    Enjoy yourself. The more you can get out of your head and into your body, the better for both of you.

  5. I love to eat pussy. I’d rather eat pussy than do anything else. I love the way pussys look. I love the way they smell. I love the way they taste. Pussys are a beautiful amazing and magical. Your pussy should be loved, licked and worshiped. You should weild your pussy like a powerful weapon of seduction.

  6. As everyone else has said, he clearly enjoys it. Try not to worry.

    My advice would be to give feedback and be involved while he’s down there. If something feels really good, then moan to let him know, or just straight up tell him “oh my god, that feels so good.” This will help him figure out what techniques work for you and give you the most pleasure.

    Touch his head, run your fingers through his hair, use your nails on his scalp/neck. Physically move his head or your hips if he’s so close to the right spot but not *quite* there. Tell him to add a finger if you want/need that.

    Also correct him if he stops doing something that was working for you. If he’s not getting the feedback or sensing that it’s good for you, he might switch things up. If something is working and then he switches, just say “No, keep doing that.”

    Constant updates, let him know what’s working and what isn’t and it will help him blow your mind

  7. Don’t worry! I’ve never had men tell me they wanted to eat me out or actually go down on me. He wouldn’t say it unless he meant it. He’s knows what he’s getting into. Just be clean and relax

  8. Can I just say, I fecking HATE the phrase “eat me out.”

    So icky.

    Anyway… No one asked, so … carry on.

  9. We’re in the same spot, though I’m younger and my bf is just as inexperienced as me. He’s been saying he wants to eat me out too but I feel too nervous about it not feeling good for either him or me, and also I will feel too exposed. I’m trying to calm myself bcs I’m also curious about how it feels but I keep thinking something will go wrong. Pls if you could give me advice afterwards I would appreciate it 🙁

  10. We’re in the same spot, though I’m younger and my bf is just as inexperienced as me. He’s been saying he wants to eat me out too but I feel too nervous about it not feeling good for either him or me, and also I will feel too exposed. I’m trying to calm myself bcs I’m also curious about how it feels but I keep thinking something will go wrong. Pls if you could give me advice afterwards I would appreciate it 🙁

  11. It’s normal to be very anxious and to overthink things especially when it’s your first sexual encounter, he wants to go down on you so he will most likely enjoy it and if you are comfortable with him doing so you hopefully will too. If you are really anxious about how you will smell and taste there are plenty of resources in the FAQs here about how you can make sure you will be fine.

    Best of luck to you and remember communication is key!

  12. In reality sex is about experimentation and figuring out what you like and don’t like.

    As long as you are healthy and don’t currently have any active infections, and have showered recently, you will smell and taste like a human female. Granted, depending on your diet, and other such things you may not taste exactly the same as the girl sitting next to you on the bus, or his last GF, but pretty much, if he has done this before, he knows what to expect. Even if you haven’t just had a shower, consider one of my favorite love letters Napoleon to Josephine “I’ll be there in 3 days, don’t bathe!” 🙂 Or something like that.

    All that said, it is still possible, that he may find he doesn’t enjoy the act at all, with you or with anyone else for that matter. It is also possible, that you may not care for it. The answer to the “what if” is easy. If you don’t like it, you say, “I didn’t really care for that, please let’s not do it again, I would prefer if you would do XYZ instead.” On the other hand, if he doesn’t enjoy it, you will probably find that he doesn’t try to do it again. It should be the same as anything.

    There are so many flavors of activity that a couple can participate in. No one will like every one of them all equally. Some things just seem so “disgusting” that a person may simply be unwilling to try them at all. Other things a person trys it and makes their decision from the experience. It’s kind of like food. If a restaurant has something on the menu you haven’t tried before, you order it. If you don’t like it, you don’t order it again. Doesn’t mean you don’t go back to that restaurant.

    Good luck, be safe.

    Oh, yeah just one thing to warn against. And I know you didn’t actually ask, but my advice is free. If one thing leads to another and he is interested in spicing things up and perhaps adding a foodstuff to the mix (lots of people seem to have a thing for ice cream toppings like whipped creme and all that) — NOTHING WITH SUGAR — Sugar feeds yeast. There are flavored products made specifically for such things.

  13. Don’t worry about it. If he asked its on him. He knows what he is getting into. Just be clean like you normally are and enjoy yourself. Most importantly for your enjoyment is to be vocal about how he is doing. Allow yourself to moan or even say when it feels good. If he was doing something great but then changes ask him to go back to what he was doing for a little bit longer. He will love the feedback so he knows how to please you best.

    (Coming from a guy who LOVES eating pussy)

  14. as long as you shower regularly don’t worry about smell or taste he’ll like it you should try to stay relaxed and if he knows what he’s doing your love it.

  15. Be careful not to “over-groom” right before going down is about to go down. Washing with heavy soaps can throw off pH balance, shaving the day before can lead to ingrowns, and changing underwear fabrics for the special occasion could cause irritation. Taking care of things beforehand will help you to be less anxious in the moment. And make sure to know you can stop him at any time!

  16. Just make sure to shower and wipe with a wash cloth before your encounter and you’ll be good to go!

    Most guys that are that excited about performing oral sex have done it before so he’s probably pretty sure he likes it and knows what to expect of a vagina.

  17. Some of the best pussy I’ve ever eaten was after a night of dancing. Men who go down want a woman to smell like a women and not Ivory soap.

  18. If you have good standard hygiene practices he’s gonna be in heaven. Don’t overthink it. I looooooove eating pussy, you would have to actively obviously smell bad to turn me off. Its a vagina, it’s not supposed to taste like a cake.

  19. Most guys know the vagina is it’s own self governing system. Your diet can influence your smell/taste. Anyway just make sure the area is nice, cleaned not to hairy( if you prefer to have hair down there, it’s cool … it’ll discourage him if he is hacking up fur balls so light trimming). Basically you know present it the same way you’d want him to present his to you.

  20. Get out of your head and spread those thighs. He wants to worship your pussy, let him do it and enjoy being pampered

  21. Yes I second the others saying that he wouldn’t mention it so explicitly if it werent something especially attractive to him. Don’t overthink it and allow yourself to feel pleasure!!!

  22. I’ve been anxious about it in the past and made extra sure to eat healthily and drink lots of water as this can change the taste and odour. Tbh even without doing this, guys haven’t had any complaints but I read on Reddit that some guys can taste the difference if their gf has been smoking/ drinking alcohol/ eating lots of meat (apparently vegans taste better?!)

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