Was just curious to see how youd feel you walk into some date’s house or whatever and find a shelf in the living room with porno DVDs also what if there was a bible in their bedroom?

  1. How about bible porn?

    If a guy has is pron proudly displayed when you walk into his house….run lol

  2. Who still buys porn on physical media? That’s the more concerning thing. Also check if he still uses a 2G phone.

  3. I would just be confused by the fact he bought porn when he can just watch it online for free

  4. Depends on what sort of porn. If someone has like their sex toys displayed in a curio cabinet? Sure. If they have drawn porn (hentai, smut comics, etc.)? Sure. If they have erotic novels out? Sure. Porno DVDs or magazines squick me out though and holy books are ew.

  5. At least they are up front about their porn interest, better than hiding it I guess. But personally that’s not attractive to me, having a porn collecting hobby

  6. Id probably tell them to put it where no one sees it because that’s just weird to have lying around, but I wouldn’t be bothered if they had some period. Especially if it’s collectors items. Weird flex, but do you lol

  7. That’s coming a bit strong on a date, plus the porn and the bible at the same time make me think that he/she has some unsettled issues.

    “their” bedroom?? it’s a couple???

    Did he/she/they show you the dungeon?

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