I just got out of a toxic relationship with my ex of 1 and half years. It was serious but he was not the best partner. His friend (the guy I think might be into me) definitely helped me through it and convinced me to see through the situation. He’s been very nice to me. We’re all 20-22 years old and in college. He has been spending so much time with me during the week after class eating lunch with me and talking to me for 3 hours straight up. I am not even boasting. We just meet one day every week and get lunch together and talk for 2.5-3 hours. We are also in a class together. We talk for 2 hours on call straight up during the weekend. He’s also planned out which classes he wants to take with me for the next few semesters till we graduate (we are the same graduation class).I asked him if he wanted to get cookies with me. We got cookies and icecream. I thought it would be an hour long but it ended up being 3.5 hours long hangout. We talked and had fun in different lecture halls just joking around and exploring the different lecture halls. He asked me if I wanted to go to this cool restaurant sometime and I said yes. This was all on friday. Then yesterday again as usual we called for an hour ish and I asked him if he still wants to go. We are probably going to go sometime in december, we figured the exact date and time. And I said I like hanging out with him, to which he replied ” thanks bruh, ur pretty cool too”

Obviously that is very “friend zone” ish. So maybe I am overthinking and rebounding or whatever but he planned the next 3 semesters with me on what classes we should take together. Talks to me about my ex and helped me through it even though the ex and him are good friends. Spends 3 hours eating lunch with me once a week after class and talks to me for a long time on call on weekends and now wants to hangout with me more. I find him cute but I got to be sure before I make a clown of myself. We didn’t talk that much at all earlier when I was dating my ex and now a couple months before my breakup we started getting close.

Tldr: Guy friend (ex’s close friend) has been hanging out with me very often and seems to want to spend more time with me in general. He planned out next couple semesters where he wants to take classes with me. Not sure if he likes me or is being nice. How do I proceed?

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