Over a year ago, I (37f) dated a guy (39m) and we were long distance. We didn’t date for very long, when I went to see him over the holidays, we had a fight and decided to end things. It sucked because I liked him a lot.

Fast forward to a two weeks ago, I heard a song that reminded me of him so I decided to reach out to see how he was doing. Surprisingly, he responded. We ended up talking on the phone for hours and texted each other throughout the day and night. He still asked if i had any feelings (which i did) and he said that he still had feelings for me. We continued to talk and he asked me if i would ever be his girlfriend again. i said that i couldn’t give him a firm answer because although i have feelings for him, i didn’t want to make a rash decision but saying yes and then getting hurt again, especially because we hadn’t seen each other for over a year. I had plans to see him next month.

Things were good until last night / this morning. We talked yesterday for about two hours, i told him that i was going to a an thanksgiving dinner at my friends house and i apologized if i couldn’t talk to him at night. He asked me to call him when I was driving home, i said i’d try but i would text him at least that i made it home safe, which i did.

This morning, i didn’t send him my usual good morning text (He called me and i could tell he was upset. He told me that I was going out of my normal pattern and he felt weird. He kept asking me why i didn’t call him or text him good morning. (Accused me of being out with someone else). I kept my cool and he kept saying that i was being defensive (when i wasn’t). He kept on asking me why, when i told him that i honestly don’t know what to tell him. He ended the call with saying, “I’m really disappointed in you. I love
You and care but i have to turn my back” and he hung up.

I’m honestly super confused. I don’t know what was up with the sudden switch in his behavior. I tried calling back to apologize but i haven’t heard back.

Not sure what to do.

tl;dr: ex was upset with me over not texting and accusing me of cheating … did i mess up or was he projecting?

  1. You did nothing wrong. He is projecting, you dont accuse someone cheating without proof. He had no proof, yet still accused you.

  2. I don’t know if he’s projecting or not, but it sounds like your life would be better without his drama in it.

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