For example, I’m a huge fan of The Lord Of The Rings. I’ve read the books (and other books from the same author), watched all the movies and own a lot of merchandise.

Yet, not many people know about it in my adulthood. I used to talk about it a lot in school, but eventually I just got made fun of. Like people would roll their eyes or ask me stupid questions as if what I liked was one big joke. For example, if I liked a guy, one of my friends would ‘joke’ with me, asking “Who do you like more, him or [LOTR character]?”

Hence, I’ve learnt to keep it to myself or at the very least mention as little as possible about it. Anyone else had this experience before? And how did you go about it?

  1. People having interests is an attractive trait in anybody, regardless of age. Don’t be afraid to broadcast your interests.

  2. With random people? Agree completely. It’s just not easy in adulthood to find people at random who share similar niche interests or even have a slightest clue of what you’re talking about.

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