A little information I’m 22f and my ex is 22m we were together for 10 months.I live on my own.

Okay Reddit so my ex broke up with me this Sunday via messenger while I was watching a theatre play with some friends.
In his text he told me that he wasn’t feeling well mentally and that he needed to focus om himself because it was really hard for him to be with me do to my mental health (I was diagnosed with depression in 2020) and the way my family treat me.

I decided not to text him or in anyway contact him because I wanted a clean break even though I really miss him.
Then I woke up at 3 am to several missed calls and desperate text messages from him, asking if I hate him and him telling me that he still loves me, and that it hurts so much not to be with me that he threw up. I don’t really know what his intentions with these texts are, so I texted back that I still love and doesn’t hate him, but that I don’t really get what he wants and that he should call me when he wakes up.

My plan is to talk to him to get his intentions and find out if he wants to be with me, because he realised he made a mistake and actually wants to be with me, for me, and not just because it hurt at the moment.

So yeah does anyone have any advice on whether or not to take him back?

TlDR: My ex broke up 2 days ago and is now texting me that he feels bad and misses me.

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