Hi Guys,

Sorry, for bad English and don’t know if this is the right place to ask.

Last saturday my friends went to the movies, without inviting me.Before I knew that, I’ve texted one of them if he wanted to have a beer, with the intention to ask the rest later.

An hour or what later he sent me a Snap where he was drinking beers with the rest, to which I’ve responded with the question why he didn’t answer my texts.He apologized and said he didn’t saw the texts, and he told me the plans where last-minute and he got invited last minute.

After the movie was finished, he asked me if I wanted to have some beers at the local cafe with the rest, so I decided to show up, and we had some fun after all.

But what happend earlier that evening is still crossing my mind.Should I let this pass or should I talk with my friends about this?

Asking this because I don’t know how to take and to react to this.

Update: added a bit more detail, friend I’ve asked was invited last minute.

  1. Correct me if i’m wrong. Do you feel as if you were forcefully invited out of sympathy? Meaning they didn’t want to invite you but since you found out about them going out they didn’t want to be assholes and invited you?

  2. They’re not your friends. They invited you to cover their asses and because they got caught. It was a pity invite and they did all they could to appease you. Always trust your first instinct and intuition. Never go against them as they tell you the truth. You need new friends and be brave enough to walk away. If you’re an open person, genuine people will come to you.

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