If your partner had no sex toys before? Did the vibrator eventually take over and you found yourselves having sex less because she preferred to masturbate?

How was your sex life before introducing the toys and how is it now?

  1. She immediately didn’t like it and after trying with them a few times, we just gave up on them. My girlfriend doesn’t like foreplay and wants to jump straight into sex. Not sure if it’s a blessing or a curse lol but I personally prefer that

  2. I’ve never done this in a relationship but girls do have their own version of death grip syndrome. If she’s using Super Max Vibrator 2000 everyday it’s going to diminish her sensitivity to the point that regular sex isn’t going to get her off.

  3. She started using her vibe a bit too much and started losing sensitivity during sex.

    She also admitted to starting to turn down sex with me to go masturbate.

    Lead to some significant strain on the relationship to say the least.

  4. It was fine for a long while. She wanted more than I was physically able to give but she had toys that gave her what she wanted (or what I thought she wanted). She got her orgasms and I got the pleasure of watching her cum(which is my favorite) and things were great I’m this regard until it wasn’t.

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