What is something you wish your parent(s) would have done or told you when you were growing up?

  1. While appearances don’t reflect what kind of person you are, they do matter. I wish I had been taught to curl my hair, select and apply makeup, and how to dress myself. I realize now that my mom was too depressed to do it for herself, let alone model that behavior for me by the time I was of age. I didn’t learn how to do all of this until my 30s out of necessity (work).

  2. I wish that my mum was even a little bit affectionate and said I love you, even if it was only once.

  3. That I have value even just for existing. I was raised very religiously and basically taught that I had no inherent value unless I work really hard to be good

  4. I wish they didnt yell at me every time i made a mistake or if I dropped something.

    I wiah they supported my hobbies instead of always criticising

    I wish we did more fun things together instead of spending every moment of free time having to clean or iron or cook

    I wish they didn’t make me raise my brother

    I wish they said i love you more, maybe then i would be able to say it to them now.

    I wish they didn’t use me as a buffer for their fights, always dragging me into them, always venting to me.

    Wish they let me be a kid

  5. I wish my parents said that they loved me, I wish they celebrated my successes when I do well, I wish they’d hug me, they’re nice people but I really don’t think they love me or want me around.

  6. I wish my parents actually invested, supported and were present in my younger years. It would have definitely helped me a lot such as confidence development and made our relationship better.

    Because they didn’t do that..I became part of a toxic cycle of seeking validation and approval from them…which thankfully I have grown out of.

  7. Allowed me to date while in school and allowed open communication while doing it. I’m doing that for my daughter and she is growing a healthy sense of self. I wish I’d had that. I would have made better choices in partners.

  8. I wish my parents had protected me from the male predators inside and outside my home also to teach me the importance of taking meticulous care of my teeth.

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