I think I’m being love bombed , but I’m not sure …. It could be fear from past trauma. Ughhhh ! I feel like that’s the scariest part of dating; not knowing the true intentions of a person . Especially being an attractive female 🙇🏽‍♀️
My feelings are growing for him fast. It’s scary to me.

  1. Just take things slow and make sure you both talk about your feelings! New relationships can be so scary, but taking your time will help!

  2. Personally, I’m dubious that love bombing is a thing you can do to somebody with a healthy self esteem and equally dubious it’s something anybody but a sociopath does intentionally.

    All you have to do to not be love bombed is to not put your entire self worth and satisfaction on his affection, right?

  3. Older men have often learned how to treat women well after having lived with them in relationships for a long time. He’s probably just using all of his skills.

  4. >It could be fear from past trauma

    You shouldn’t be dating if you’re still affected by past trauma.

    Seek therapy, don’t punish the new man for doing everything right, lol. He dosent owe you understanding.

  5. All you have to do is ask to slow down and if he is a reasonable and rational adult he will understand. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to know someone’s full intentions especially when it’s with someone much older and with kids. In my experience especially with older men and men that do love bomb they don’t really see it as love bombing they see it as normal interaction so it’s going to be hard to convince him or really anybody it’s not okay but you can’t push for your own boundaries and again a rational adult will understand. It’s okay to listen to your family it’s down right weird for anyone to tell you not to. But the only person who really knows how this feels is you so if feels like a little much just talk to him and a reasonable and rational adult will not be afraid of that type of conversation especially if it involves his actions.

  6. It’s hard to determine if your truly being love bombed when you’re not describing what he’s doing specifically.

    In my experience, with love bombing, they come on way too strong. They’ll tell you you’re the love of their life, they can’t imagine life without you, they’ve never felt this way about anyone before. They will shower you with gifts and expensive dates.

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