How relevant do you think pop culture in today’s society is compared to its relevance in the past?

  1. It’s not more or less important or relevant necessarily, but it’s far less cohesive. When I was young, there were a very limited number of TV channels available where I lived. There were more radio stations, but not by a lot. The internet wasn’t a big deal or didn’t exist. Pop culture was far more heavily saturated to the population than it is now. Things felt more monolithic just because there were fewer options.

    Now pop culture has a lot more individual streams, so popularity and focus waxes and wanes more like currents and eddies through a larger ocean.

    It’s just different.

    I would imagine the same can be said for the decades long before I existed as well. Just different.

  2. Isn’t it only relevant in brief moments in time? It’s not like a source of information that builds on itself. Just fragments of “crazy thing happened” among people with too much money/time. I only pay attention to judge their fashion choices 😑💅

    Though social media democratizes the crazy a bit so the standard socialites are less relevant than before, but I could be wrong🤷‍♀️

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