I’m just wondering what’s considered normal, as far as clipping nails go. I recently got told that my nails were really long (which almost felt like a jab of some kind, but I could have read it wrong) and I cut them roughly 1x every week, sometimes 2 weeks.

I just cut them whenever I look down & notice they are long, or if it interferes with my work & is brought to my attention. Ie: breaking a nail. Also important to mention, my nails are naturally long, and I do practice great hygiene. Whenever I cut my nails as short as they go, they are almost flush with my fingertips. Any shorter, and I cut into the cuticle and they hurt.

Is it part of your daily routine? If not, then how to you keep track of when exactly to do it, in order to prevent any embarrassment, such as this. It felt to me like it was assumed that I don’t care for myself, but that’s not the case at all. Any info helps, thanks guys!

  1. As often as needed. I don’t really have a set schedule for it, but I try to keep them pretty short.

  2. I keep my left hand constantly trimmed to nothing. My right hand I’m constantly keeping them trimmed to the shape and length that is best for playing guitar.

  3. i clip them as soon as they get half a mm or longer. I can’t stand long finger nails at all i hate the feeling.

  4. Every Sunday. It’s part of my routine.

    I get home from work, I eat supper, I shower and I clip my fingernails/toenails.

  5. I don’t really keep track but I tend to ball my fists up every once in a while to see if I can feel the nails against my palm. If I do, clip em.

    I’ve heard simply filing them would be a simpler solution tho.

  6. Probably once every 10 days or so. My particular quirk is once I notice they are too long, I obsess over cutting them. So I have clippers at home, in my desk at work, my travel kit, and my car. I almost never use the car or travel ones.

  7. I cut them on a regular basis, I don’t want long nails as it impedes a lot of actions. Nor am I a woman, so I rather have short nails.

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