Men of Reddit, what would you do if your long-term partner of years would confess they aren’t physically attracted to you anymore?

  1. Unless she is an Oscar winning actress, I would have known that long before she told me. And that would be the end of it.

  2. Depends – if I’d got hideously fat then I would take it on board and try to change it. If not then I would dump her as either normal ageing had made me unattractive to her OR she has simply fallen out of attraction and has been so insensitive to tell me.

  3. Find out if theres something specific. If its cos Ive piled on pounds then Id look to shed them. If its cos Ive turned into a slob then I’d smarten myself up a bit

    If its something like the fact Ive got bald, or have a penis, or some other thing that doesnt really have an acceptable solution then time to call it a day on the relationship as it stands.
    If theres kids involved then you might want to stay together an co-parenting partners and find the sexual fulfilment elsewhere

  4. They’ve already checked out from the relationship. No point in trying to save it. People enter a relationship knowing that time changes bodies and looks and whatever, and that physical attraction can one day be impossible. Anyone who states this is either not worth keeping or has already decided to leave.

  5. Most men notice it long before their partner would ever need to confess anything. And it’s not really a what-if question, it’s this thing called marriage.

  6. Joke answer “ACCEPT ME FOR AS I AM!”

    But honestly idk. Idk if I were to stay. I don’t think so

  7. LOL if this is long term, I would suggest that we BOTH get our asses back into the gym.

    Because you said physically and not emotionally. 🤣✌️

    Both can get comfortable and let the body slip.

    Cause if it’s not this, then it’s emotional. and that’s a VERY different problem.

  8. If my long term partner came to me with this, I would demand a long conversation on what had changed and how to fix it. Relationships are dynamic and staying in one requires constant work and compromise.

  9. Depends if she’s saying it with love or hate. If love, I’d hit the gym. If hate, I’d end it.

  10. If she told me that it would probably take the wind out of me at first. But it would probably make me sit and think about all of the signs. Once reality settles in I would advise her that she was free to go asap.

  11. Depends on whether it was because I had let myself go or something. Either way there’s therapy at the end of that tunnel.

  12. Attraction is vital to the relationship, so I would let her go to find someone who checks all of the boxes she has.

  13. Dump them. I got strung along in my last relationship for way too long and I don’t want to deal with that again.

  14. If it was over extreme weight gain that was obviously unhealthy, I would try to fix it. Same if I had gotten depressed and let my personal hygiene get bad I would correct that. But If it’s over something superficial like I gained 10 or 15 lbs or didn’t have my hair styled a certain way or didn’t dress a certain way, she could get bent.

  15. I wouldn’t be too surprised to be honest. She hasn’t really looked at me in a way that shows she is in 2-3 years.

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