What is your state’s only in …?

  1. We are the only place in the nation that builds nuclear submarines.

    Nuclear submarines filled with delicious, delicious pizza.

    If you threaten the United States, you might get a submarine-launched ballistic missile raining multiple warheads filled with pizza on you. And then you will surrender, because you’ll be full.

  2. wildly firing my six shooters in the air because I’m so mad, jumping up and down on my cowboy hat, kicking my spurs together in midair with each leap… only in Texas!

  3. Western most part of the state is the mid west, the middle of the state is Appalachia, and the eastern part of the state is the east coast.

  4. Four of the first five Presidents.

    Most Presidents born here of any state. Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, William Henry Harrison, Tyler, Taylor, and Wilson.

    Ohio has eight Presidents but they weren’t all born there. One (Harrison) was born in Virginia and only served for a month.

    Suck it, Ohio.

  5. Uh… well in NYC, there are 800 languages spoken (that’s more than in India), 160 of them being in Queens.

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