I’m a guy in my mid-twenties… But something I’ve noticed it that women love to compare me to things purely based off of my appearance alone. And they do it in the weirdest of ways…

I’ve never had men do this. But women ALWAYS do it to me.

Women around my age will usually come up to me and ask me things like, ”Are you a surfer?” purely based off my appearance. As if they have taken one look at me and built an entire narrative around how they’ve perceived me based on my appearance alone.

Middle-aged women and older also do a form of this where they will come up to me and ask me where I am from (I live in Australia for reference). But when I tell them I’m Australian (duh) they’ll go *”No, no. Where are you FROM. Like your ancestry. You’re not from Europe by any chance?”* And when I tell them my family’s lineage descends from Sweden they get this big smug smile on their face as if I’ve just confirmed their suspicion and will go *”I knew it! You didn’t look like you were from around here!!”*

I mean no offense here, but I have no idea what they’re on about. I’m white with an Australian accent and live in a predominantly white country (Australia) and white women are telling me I don’t look Australian?…

All these women seem to have their own idea of what constitutes as ”European” as well. Some will ask me if I’m from Czechia. Others will ask me if I’m from Yugoslavia. While others will ask me if I’m Scandinavian. Apparently, they can all decide on what I don’t look like, but can’t decide on what I do look like :S

Today I had a woman come up to me and tell me I looked like a Russian dancer (no idea what that means). And when she saw the understandable confusion sweep across my face she just giggled and assured me it was a very good thing.

But I think what confuses me more than the abstract comparisons themselves is why women bother telling me these things like I’d want to know every thought that pops into their mind xD

  1. Never experienced this. I avoid people who fixate on gender stereotypes like the plague.

  2. Women are prone to profiling and stereotyping people. If you look weird, then you are weird. If you look creepy, then you are creepy. Ties into social norms. Everyone who looks normal must be normal and everyone who doesn’t must not be. Women are more socially alert and aware of social norms and acceptable/unacceptable things.

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