Can’t sleep as I’m really anxious. We’re in the middle of a mortgage application with a high street bank. They’ve asked for employment reference. Employer sent it back via their email address, but didn’t sign the letter.
The company I work for are always busy but they’ve been great through this process. I don’t wanna piss them off by asking them too much stuff.
Anyway, do you think they’ll accept the letter without a signature even though the email is from their email address?
What they did is write a letter on Word and put the computer logo and saved as PDF. They didn’t add an electric signature or anything. Though they did to the letter addressed to me previously, just not the one addressed to the lender.
I know there’s nothing I can do until Monday, I’m just really anxious about it.

  1. Electronic signatures are as good as wet signatures legally, the exception to this are those where witnesses are needed like wills.

    An electronic signature isn’t a digital copy of a signature but simply intent to sign, so a sent email covers this.

    The bank wants to show it’s done it’s due diligence. Your company is staffed by humans so even if bank is being a jobs worth, people will understand.

  2. I get dreadfully anxious over this kind of admin too. It’ll all get sorted so don’t worry. You need to remember that the bank actually want your business that’s how they make money.

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