How the hell do people buy lubes and condoms at a shop without being stared at by 50 other people. It’s honestly a big fear of mine being frowned upon by these people, it’s so ridiculously hard to ignore or not think about. I did it once and nearly shit myself doing it.

  1. I for one don’t even pay attention to what other people are buying or doing when I’m at a store. I’m just there to get whatever I came for and get out

  2. Nobody is ‘frowning upon’ someone purchasing any of these type of items its all in your head, literally noone cares what other people are buying at the shop so long as you arent disturbing or bothering them

  3. the only people potentially judging you for having sex are people who aren’t. just act super casual, if you dont act out of place you wont look out of place

  4. Who really cares what you’re buying? If you’re that concerned shop online, go a couple of towns over where no one knows you, or wear a disguise. Heck, one time I had a jar of coconut oil, a hillshire farms kielbasa,two zuchinis, depends adult diapers for my grandmother, and a 12-pack of trojans in my basket. I looked down and laughed as I walked proudly to the checkout. The lady at the checkout didn’t even look at what I bought nor paid any attention to me. It’s all in your head, my friend.

  5. Bro, literally no one gives a fuck what you are at the supermarket to buy.

    Just walk in, pick the shit up off the shelf, walk to the checkout (do it at the self checkout if you really don’t wana have someone scan n that for you) , pay for it and walk out. Shit if you don’t want to buy just that then pick up some like soda or chips or something else so it feels more like a “normal” shop

  6. Pretty sure most people aren’t paying attention to what you’re getting off the shelf and the cashier has probably seen plenty of people making these kinds of purchases before. It’s all normal – nothing to worry about. If you were buying some rope and a cucumber with some lube and condoms, then you might get a few funny looks 😛

  7. No one is looking at you, and no one cares. That said, if you are not comfortable buying them in a store, just go online and buy where no one can see you

  8. I always think to myself who’s about to get laid? Me or these miserable people? Also there is part od me that enjoys the attention

  9. Chances are, that is all in your head. That said…

    I walked into a CVS and legit had a basket full of fleet enemas, astroglide, condoms and latex gloves. Walked right up to the cashier and said Hi, how are you?

    Some respond with, not as well as you are about to be. Others just ring you up like it was nothing.

    Regardless, anyone that actually snuffs at you for this is jealous.

  10. I once bought condoms on a Sunday morning in a drug store in front of an old woman who was dressed for church. Buy these things with confidence because you are getting laid.

  11. Confidence. Yeah I get pussy. And I am sure they’d like the fact of you buying condoms instead of raw dog lol

  12. Okay, here’s another way to look at it:

    It’s a readily available product at a public store, you are NOT the only person to use this avenue to purchase said item, and you will not be the last.

    Most of the cashiers you are going to(if you do) are probably more focused on when their next break is, or how much longer until they get to go the fuck home, and quite possibly do the same damn thing.

    Discard your Christian guilt and LOVE THYSELF, HUMAN.

  13. No one says anything. Unless you buy two boxes of condoms and they aren’t the same size. Helpful clerks will point out the difference. They also get real quiet when you tell them it’s intentional.

  14. No one’s staring at you. As long as you pay, no one gives a shit.

    Buy them at your supermarket along with all your other groceries.

  15. *Most* people have better shit to do, think about, care about, pay attention to, and focus on than what a random stranger is buying at a store they are also shopping at.
    You are *not* the main character – or even side character, interesting extra, or memorable cameo – in the lives of strangers at the store.

    Most humans have sex. You can count on it being a fact that almost *every* person 18 and older – and some younger – at the store will have either had sex at some point in their lives, be in a sexual relationship currently, be actively seeking sexual encounters, or plan to have sex in the future.
    Being sexually involved/inclined in some capacity is “the norm” – it’s human nature.

    Those who frown upon sex, judge others for having it, or feel that it is shameful are *not* “normal” and do *not* have a healthy, rational mentality about sex/sexual behavior – given that, why do you care about their thoughts or opinions?
    What weight does their internal monologue, which may or may not include *you* specifically, and will almost certainly shift away from the fleeting second they saw you *purchasing merchandise legally at a store* – if they even noticed what you were buying at all – very quickly, and you will *never* be thought about again.
    No one is going home and spending time thinking about how they saw you buying condoms – and if they are, so what? You don’t even know them? So?

    If you’re “mature” – for lack of a better word – enough to be sexually active and comfortable doing sexual things with other people, you can be mature enough to realize these things and buy whatever you need without stressing yourself out over other people.
    Other people don’t give a fuck if you see them buying all kinds of shit – you aren’t a factor to them. No need to pay more attention to them than they do you.

    Also, online retailers, my friend. Boom.

  16. Think of it this way.

    You’re buying them for sex. Everyone for the most part has sex. No one cares that you are buying a box of condoms and lube.

    If you took them out and made lubey finger puppets, yah, maybe you would have a few eyes.

  17. You’re the one making it awkward, that’s all.
    Your neighbors? They have sex.
    Your friends? They have sex.
    Your relatives? Absolutely, but let’s not talk about that.
    So just go ahead.

  18. 97 % of people fuck . Be casual yet confident walk in like you own the place . An 9 outta 10 time they will be more uptight than you . Except them creepy old grandpa fuckers walking all inside trying to blow anything that comes in the door . Yuck .

    Revise. 1 ( Reddit fact checkers have indicated that the percentages supplied above may not be accurate . They will from here on be known as (Some bullshit number the author used to accentuate his response ). My apologies to the to the 5 to 20 percent who may or may not have been fucking .

  19. I’m a firm believer in

    If you can’t buy condoms and lube without feelings scared then you have zero business having sex.

    Its harsh but buying condoms is the easiest part of having sex. And if you got major anxiety or don’t want to do the easiest thing.

    Then you arent ready for sex.

  20. If you aren’t mature enough to buy condoms you aren’t mature enough to have sex.

    Also, buying condoms was way less embarrassing than getting a vasectomy!

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