What do you think are the benefits and harms of technology in relationships?

  1. Having serious conversations by text is dangerous. Way too easy to misinterpret something the other says. I lost count of the number if arguments I had w my ex because she wouldn’t believe I didn’t mean something the way she thought I meant it.

  2. I’m fully convinced that if we all had flip phones relationships would last much longer and people would be happier in general. Social media has been proven to cause depression.

  3. What kind of technology are we talking about? Social media, mobility, entertainment electronics, medical, marital aid, gentechnology, textile, etc.?

  4. Online dating has made both young men and women care more about superficial stuff than having an actual emotional connection and love with someone. IMO

    I’ve even seen some young men and women claim that love doesn’t exist and dating is merely transactional. Having a very narcissistic view on dating where its all about what their partner can do for them and what they can get out of the person. Never “What can I offer my partner” which is a massive red flag of a start of an emotionally abusive relationship

    The whole thought of being with someone that only wants you for their own needs but doesn’t like you as a person… how is that appealing and that’s what online dating is making people think.

    Boomers are right. Social media and phones are destroying the younger generations mental health and social skills.

    I was walking down the street to work on day and I passed a elderly man and woman couple. When I walked past them.. I heard the old woman saying “I love you” to the man (I presume her husband) but I’m suppose to believe that doesn’t exist and it’s all just transactional.. LOL 🤦‍♂️

    Dating and relationships are suppose to be bulit on mutual compassion, trust and love. Not to get something out of the person.. whether that be sex or money.

    People who waste their time on online dating seem to view the opposite sex as bad things and then also start thinking love isn’t real. Fucking ruins them and their worldview

    It’s actually really depressive when you think about it.

  5. Honestly people using social media for relationship advice to deal with their relationship problems.

    I’ve been over to the relationships subreddit. Like 95% of it leans towards blaming the male in the situation and either throwing down ultimatums or just breaking up. Given the overwhelming majority of the advice that comes out of it that sub likely leads to relationships ending it should probably really be called the anti-relationship subreddit.

    I actually did a funny experiment where I took a fictional situation about a relationship disagreement leading to an impasse and posted one version of it as the male. Then reposted the exact same scenario a few days later with the gender roles reversed. In both cases the male was blamed and the on the female one she was recommended basically give an ultimatum and leave if she didn’t get what she wanted which basically confirmed exactly what I suspected was going on in the sub and completely zero’d out its credibility for me. If you ever want to see how biased (or not biased) that sub or any other particular sub is before taking advice from it or just for curiosity sake its a fun little experiment to run.

  6. Technological appliances are a tool to be used to make life easier. You integrate it into your life, not build your life around technology.

    For example: When using messaging apps, there is no reason to expect or give an answer straight away. Or my partner and I share calendars, but we share the understanding that we can not make plans for the other one based solely on that.

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