I’m someone lucky because I made friends when I was child (4-5 yo) and keep this little group of friends then until high school (15 yo).
When going to this high school with nobody that I know, I was really stressed, but I got lucky because there was 2/3 other people in my class that was in the same situation.
That’s why I kicked my ass (french expression) and I walk into them to make friends with. It worked and this is why 2 years later, there are still my little group of friends.
But high school end in 10 month and we’ll need to separate for our studies.

This is why I’m asking “how to make friends?”, I mean, I’m lucky because I never had to learn this because the first time I was a child and the second time it was easy because they was alone too.

And now I’m asking myself “what to say when trying to tall for the first time to someone?”, I need this for the next year and to try getting a girlfriend this year. Because there is one girl that is also a shy girl, and I really fell like that we could be friends (or more).
I watched a lot of content about this on Internet and the thing that I really remember is the “you have nothing to lose, be brave and go talk”.
And there was this time when.. I can’t explain, but this was the really good moment to get a first talk with her, so I took my courage in both hands and I tried to talk but, when i was about to speak… I said nothing… Because I was ready to talk but I got no idea of what to talk about. So nothing happened…

This is why I’m asking “How to make (new) friends?” and most accurate “What to say at the first contact?” It is really obligatory to wait a good context/apology to start talking, or is there a good method when you don’t have context/reason of starting a chat. I really feel like I never learned that and actually I’m 17y.

Edit : I add that I’m that type of guy that is a serious learner that will go in engineer studying, and that I really don’t want to drink alcohol of my whole life (And nobody will change that, this is really important for me)

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