So the gist of it is that I’m a man on my thirties and just about 2 years ago I got into my first relationship.

The issue obviously relates to sex. I don’t find it difficult to get hard and to maintain the erection since I find her super attractive and I love how she acts cute while we have intercourse.

However, It is literally impossible for me to cum with her in mind. I can go on and on having sex with her but still dont be an inch close to climax than after starting.
The “solution” I found was to remove her from my mind and to think about hentai, which is what I consumed for about 15+ years give or take and what has likely conditioned me into only cumming while only thinking about it.

To be honest, Its been bothering me slightly since this is sort of a stopgap and also because, even after 2 years, I have yet to cum thinking about her and not just feeling her. Kinda dorky I know but idk.

She obviously doesn’t know any of this or else I fear it might make things very weird. If anyone has any good ideas on how to handle this, I would be delighted.

  1. I guess the question is do you still watch hentai? If you find it an issue perhaps giving it a break for awhile would help your mind focus more on your gf rather than hentai during sex. Sometimes people become too fixated on the pornographic material they consume that your mind becomes conditioned to think that’s what you need in order to climax. Giving it a break might help reboot what your mind has become used to consuming for sexual gratification. Hope this helps! 😊

  2. You set a pattern in your brain with the porn usage and reinforced it for so long that its required. It’s not quite an addiction, but it will take time to resolve.

    It’s become quite common since the advent of the internet. There are therapists that have started to specialize in such disorders. Try to find one such professional.

    I highly recommend AASECT.ORG as a resource.

    The typical treatment does tend to be treating it like an addiction. We simply don’t fully understand such things and they’re just starting to be studied. (A decade or so isn’t a long time in scientific research.)

    Read up on porn induced sexual dysfunction and delayed ejaculation.

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