I think im hilarious so i need ideas

  1. I like well used wordplay. Double innuendos are fun too.

    I’m always smitten to hear it come from a female voice! It takes me aback.

  2. She got drunk, drew dicks all over her husband’s face, glued him to the couch and texted me.

    It was hilarious. It was also my idea. ;o

  3. I was traveling for work. I was texting this girl I had just started dating and told her I was dreading flying bc i get nauseous on takeoff and landing. She texted me back: “take Dramamine! I always get dick when I fly too but if I take Dramamine it’s not so bad. I just sleep through it all.”

    She meant sick. But it was hilarious.

  4. Ex wife calls me after 2 years of not talking to me. The last time we talked was when we got our divorce finalized. She left me why i was away for training for 4 weeks. Came home she took a lot of big stuff. But she’s moving and asks if she left her helmet and plates for her vest at my place. I obviously said no. Not knowing if they’re there or not. Anyways she texts me and says. I’m sorry. What happened between us was all my fault and you didn’t deserve that.
    Well let’s just say she still owes that army $750

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