I just moved to a new city, other side of the country (normal sized country not US-size) and I wasnt always the most social person but now i’m in a city where i know only a few people and want to make some friends but I dont know what and how to do this.

I’m 18 years old and I just started at university but dont know if its for me. So make “schoolfriends” isnt really applicable.

The pandemic really messed my social skills up, when it started I didnt really care for socializing but during the pandemic when I was at an age to start going out with friends it was a bit impossible.
I know i still have some years left but the early spark didnt really get the fire going so to say.

Do y’all go to clubs alone or go to sports clubs? How does this work?

1 comment
  1. > I just started at university but dont know if its for me. So make “schoolfriends” isnt really applicable.

    First thing you need to do: Let go of all expectations. You believe you are inadequate to school and making friends there. That’s your own doing. Most other people have the same feeling of imposter syndrome. Once you realize that you belong there, you will stop worrying about it “not being for you”.

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