5, 7, 10 years older?

  1. My husband is 11 years older than me, we met when I was 31.

    Would have been a totally different story had we met when I was in my 20s.

  2. Four years. If we weren’t in high school around the same time, experiencing the same cultural events/touchstones in real time–I ain’t interested.

  3. It depends on their personality. My last boyfriend was 13 years older and it seemed like I was dating my dad. My current boyfriend is ten years older but he seems like my own age. It’s not the number that makes the difference.

  4. I’m 22 and at this point, my limit is 5 years. But i think i will become more flexible once im in my late 20s and thirties.

  5. I’m 28 and I’m not sure I’d date someone older than 32 or so currently. I’ve just never liked the idea of an older partner.

  6. I met my husband when I was 20, he was 31. We have been together for 24 years. He was young at heart and my family all called me the youngest old person ever 😁 so our personalities matched. We have a good relationship still and I can see us growing old together.

    I admit my parents were sceptical but we were very open and communicated well. My parents ended up loving him and he speaks to my mum (dad died earlier this year) more than I do.

    Long story short, it depends on the person

  7. 24, my max is 5 years honestly. But for some reason, a lot of younger guys like me, they aren’t that much younger, like 1-2 years, but I like to date either my age or up.

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