Seriously, how do you handle it? I’m feeling dreadfully lonely in my marriage. It’s killing me

  1. Being emotionally neglected to the point one feels lonely isn’t much of a marriage. What’s going on? What’s not going on?

  2. I’m in the same boat. I’ve talked about it with not much of a change. I find comfort outside of my marriage through close friends and family.
    I’m done talking about it anymore.
    I have to move forward and find my fulfillment else where.
    I have no dire to cheat on my husband.
    I truly love him.
    It’s not that I’m accepting crumbs, I just stopped caring about trying to fix it.
    Anything that changes for the better must come from him.
    If his neglect is due to an affair, that will be the end of us, forever.

  3. Maybe get an animal or a pet? Somewhere to put your love and affection to, It helped me some 🙂 Or find a hobby or some type of distraction. Working out has also helped me a lot.
    I know it sucks it has to be that way, finding a distraction to get away from those feelings but from what I’ve read on here, you’ve voiced how you’ve felt but there is no change. Its all up to him now if he’s willing to put in that effort and my love that is not your burden to carry. So in the meantime, go let it all out, cry it all out, and then go do things that make you feel happy and feel good. It is not worth staying in that hole. You’ll know when you’ve had enough and you’ll know when you’re ready to leave. I wish the best for y’all ❤️

  4. I’m in the same boat. We are in marriage counseling. I have no advice. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. :/

  5. So loneliness is a symptom of depression. My husband suffers and talks about this often. I can only help his loneliness so much. He’s always been this way. I am sure it’s because so much changed when we had a kid (7 years ago) and we are still struggling to balance it. So first – make sure it’s not a symptom of something else.

    But I definitely felt this before too and just got lots of pets. Lol. Don’t do that.

  6. I’m a 2nd class citizen in my marriage. I know that both my son and me come after her friends. I know this because we have made plans several times to do things but as soon as she gets a call from one of her friends, she will ask to cancel whatever we have planned.

    In any case, I’ve come to accept this over the years. Yes, it’s a source of irritation but, until she’s in the car with me and headed to our destination, i consider her acceptance of any of my invitations to be tentative.

    It sucks but she’s not going to change no matter how much I protest about the unfairness of this. AR this point, I just live with it.

  7. Same boat.. after begging for years I’m completely checked out and over it. And now he is trying so damn hard. It’s not fair

  8. I would appreciate hearing more about your experience. Are you comfortable sharing? Has your partner always been this way? What are they doing / not doing?

  9. I’m the most lonely I have ever been in my life and I’ve tried to ask and explain that I wish more effort was put into us, but work is always first. I’m emotionally neglected, I’m physically and financially abused, I’m only interesting to him if I’m bent over and he’s inside me. I have made plans and tried to leave, I have no where to go, I have 4 cats to think of, I have a job and my own bank account but I cannot live on my own, I can’t have friends over because he watches the ring camera like a hawk. I’m sleeping over 10 hours a day and now missing work. I’m in the same situation and I want to figure out how to cope. It’s hard. So hard. I so want to run away at times but I do love him and I would miss my grandma.

  10. I spend time with my friends and family a ton. I was fortunate that by the time I settled down I viewed men as icing not cake and my life is full and meaningful outside of my marriage.

  11. Hobbies. Work on myself. Work on becoming a man/woman any man/woman would want to be with.

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