What the title says, what do you like to do when you’re alone.

Good lord please let the comments not all just be wanking.

  1. being able to do literally anything i want to… like wanking, or driving my truck listening to sad music

  2. Reading books and articles about art history. It’s really interesting to see how creative works mirror the historical events and social mores of their time. It’s nice to have quiet so I can read while I’m wanking.

  3. Solitude, rest and recovery.

    I live a very intense work hard, play hard lifestyle. I going at 110% from wake up until 7-8pm, and I love it.

    BUT… once I have done what I wanted to do in the day, it is nice to get high, listen to music and play some video games. It’s so fucking fun.

  4. I like to accomplish a project, learn something new. Focus on something that is not work, home, relationship related. When I get to place where I need or want to be alone, masterbation isn’t what I’m thinking.

    Being alone is one thing. Isolation is another.

  5. Self-analysis. All those thoughts in your mind come and relax to converse with you when you have tried or unintentionally ignored them throughout the week due to your schedule.

  6. Peace and quiet. Being able to structure my own thoughts. Work through some held back emotions from that week through some outlet or other.

  7. Doing whatever I want. I can listen to music, think up stories about characters I’ve made, watch videos, look at my gear and things, hang out with the cats, etc. It’s so peaceful and the time is all mine

  8. If it was like this afternoon where I was home, i got to just turn on the tv as background noise and make some homemade pasta. Things like going for a walk or hike, just the sounds of the outdoors is calming.

    Alone time as such means nice and calming either all around or the specified activity.

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