What porn like things do we do in bed that are total turn offs? Men get a lot of flack for mimicking toxic things glorified in pornography. Im curious what are things women tend to do in bed for the pleasure of men that porn may have taught was a good idea but actually isnt.

  1. Acting like every touch is orgasmic. No, you need to give accurate feedback so you can actually get pleasure!

  2. This is also a guy problem, but anal with “no prep/lube”. Porn makes it seems like ass mouth and pussy are interchangeable. Without showing any prep (applying lube, douching etc) inexperienced guys just try to shove it in there mid stroke. BUT I have many friend-girls who had no idea that that WASNT just how anal works.

  3. For me, anything fake/exaggerated/performative is a turn off. Real moans are hot as fuck, but the second they become exaggerated, or hell even if they are peppered with obviously forced dirty talk they become a turn off for me. Same thing with playing up gagging, drool, and spit during a blowjob. When the gagging or drool happens as a natural consequence of the bj it can be hot, but when it’s played up for attention, it starts to become unattractive.

    I use a lot of body language cues to figure out how much she’s enjoying it, so that might have an effect on why I find anything that feels fake to be such a turn off.

    Also, there’s school girl outfits. The only time I wanted to fuck someone who looked like a high school girl was when I was in high school.

    I can’t speak for all men though. I can guarantee that some would find some of the things I listed to be among the hottest things a woman can do in the bedroom.

  4. I had a girlfriend in college who loved porn but always gravitated to try uber-scripted and fake stuff. When we had sex, she always did this over-the-top fake moan/scream thing. I knew when she would orgasm because for once she would shut up. 😂

    _OhhHhhh YaSsSssSs fucks YeAaaaaaaaAAAAH GIVE IT TO MEEEEEEEE UHHHHHhhhhhhhh_

  5. This is going to depend on the 2 parties and what they do or do not like. The fake moaning/fake anything may be the only universal answer.

    I really enjoy facefucking which is very porn-y and other people hate it (giving/receiving), all of my exes loved having their balls “worshipped” like in porn, my partner hates it

    Some things I’ve learned in porn (ex: positions) worked great with 1 partner and not at all with another partner (penis length differences, body size differences, etc.)

    Really depends on the 2 people

  6. Giving blowjobs without using their hands – hands make it better! Also thinking that I’m not enjoying it if I’m not going really fast. Slow feels good.

  7. Productioned orgasms. I want you feeling out of control of your body, not concerned about how every sound sounds or move looks or anything other than how good each thrust feels.

  8. One thing I’m not a fan of is when the girl sticks her tongue into the top of my penis while giving a blowjob. Could just be me but It feels irritating.

  9. When I was younger and first started having sex I did the overly loud moaning/screaming thing women do in porn. I’ve since toned it down lol

  10. I once got a bj from a girl who literally sucked my dick with the suction power of a fucking dyson. I swear i popped a couple blood vessels in the tip and that shit hurt like hell. She also bragged about her bj skills prior saying she saw it in porn and every guy went crazy for it. I was stoked until i realized by crazy she meant mad.
    Cuz that shit was maddening.

  11. Aggressively sucking on the balls, fuck sakes it hurts. Give them attention yes, but you ain’t a vacuum.

  12. Not doing any (gentle) foreplay…. Porn usually reserves the neck kisses and ear and nipple play for women, but it takes much more than a random hand rubbing vaguely on crotch to turn on a lot of men

  13. When you revisit 80s porn with the moustaches, hairy body parts, and women who fuck in high heels, the worst thing by far is the bizarre non-kissing thing they do where they diddle the tips of their tongues together. What the fuck is that shit?

  14. Many women seem to confuse moaning with screaming like a goddamned banshee during sex. I barely touched their thigh and they are screaming as if I stuck two live 120 volt wires up their ass. distracting AF

  15. Just expecting me to be hard the second my pants are off. Sometimes it is. Sometimes it isn’t. You don’t have to ask me what’s wrong with it.

  16. The fake loud moaning with women is awful but then on the flipside you have the men being so quiet that for years I thought men never made any sound.

    I think my husband felt the same subconsciously, that men that make sound aren’t hot or whatever. I keep trying to reaffirm that hearing him is also very hot.

    I usually don’t feel him come during PIV so I ask him to tell me when he comes, and when he did the last time, I came even harder because of it.

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