I had to break-up with my boyfriend. We are both 26 and his work is demanding to the extent that we get no time together and he keeps reminding me that I will always come second to his work. We had been fighting for a while and yesterday I decided to finally pull the cord. I haven’t been the most lucky when it comes to relationships and I REALLY tried to give this one my all. I loved unconditionally tried to make exceptions and understand to the best of my capabilities. He was definitely not my ideal guy, I had a very different checklist in mind and when I met him I was so floored I decided to throw the checklist out and just go with it. He does love me but he can’t give me time and the quality of relationships that I’m seeking is not something he is capable of giving, he has agreed to this and told me that it is very difficult for it to change anytime in the future. My heart just won’t understand and I keep going back to wanting to get back but I know that the relationship will leave me frustrated and sad. I just don’t know what to do at all. I’m so close to going back I’m losing my mind.

Tl;Dr – we broke up, he has no time for me, i still feel like getting back. I don’t know what to do.

  1. Vent, cry, talk to all your people. Get it out and mourn the relationship. Feeling as you do right now is normal and in time you’ll see that this was best for both of you.

    By all accounts you were settling to begin with and to add insult to injury he wasn’t that interested! You are better off alone than be second fiddle to a career.

    Go mourn the relationship and feel bad for awhile. In time you will start feeling better and sooner than you think this will be in the rearview and you’ll be ready for your next adventure.

  2. Op,

    Whether you come to terms with it or not he has. He has explicitly already told you that work comes first before you do. This sucks to say but you’re only stalling for the inevitable and I believe deep down you already know that. Know your worth, prioritize yourself, and the person who matches the same energy you’re putting out will come along.

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