Women of Reddit, how tidy is your home right now?

  1. Main things are done like dishes, laundry, mostly clean counters and my roomie swept yesterday. But there’s a fair amount of clutter, specifically on the kitchen table and our bedrooms.

  2. *Reads question *understands and devises escape plan.. “What does tidy mean again, exactly?” Lol

  3. Fairly tidy…except for my 12 year old’s room, I’m sure. That child likes to have stuff strewn everywhere.

  4. Mostly clean. But I also cheat and have a cleaner come every other week. It’s seriously the best money I’ve ever spent

  5. I’d say a 5/10 on the scale of some of my friends, but 8/10 on ours, so I think we’re good until the weekend at least.

  6. 7/10. There’s some straightening up to do but it’s clean. Just stuff that needs put away.

  7. Not very tidy. I’m in the process of decluttering in preparation to move early next year and making a little progress.

  8. It’s clean, and I would say reasonably tidy. I wouldn’t be mortified to receive guests, but I wouldn’t have the King over for tea.

  9. As a whole, very. We’re very intentional about cleaning up behind ourselves and putting everything in it’s proper place. My art room could be tidier but I’m working on projects so stuff is out of sorts a bit.

  10. Not at all. Been in hospital with the kid, the older kids have manage the basic not that.
    But then like no sleep because kid in pain 24/7 so meds constant pretty much. It starting getting easier for her tho.

    It is what it is, I can clean when she be able to go back to school pretty much. it’s not like I don’t at moment just not prioritize

  11. House is neat and clean, and laundry and dishes are done. I see it’s a worldwide struggle…lol

  12. Reasonably tidy. Put it this way, it’d take me 10 minutes to get it spotless for anyone visiting and it’s mostly just moving things off the tables.

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