I’m reposting cause people weren’t really understand what I was asking

I’m 17 and work at a retail store part time. I’ve became friends with a girl (G). G and I have shared secrets with each other and I trust her a lot but we are just friends and nothing more. I have developed slight feelings for another girl there (K). G goes to school with K. And G just put her two weeks notice in recently. G and I are still gonna hangout and be friends even after she leaves, but I really wanna tell G about me liking K. I think at one point K liked me as well but idk if she still does. I don’t expect G to ask her out for me, but maybe she could let me know if K has a boyfriend and maybe find out if K likes me before I embarrass myself at work

1 comment
  1. Totally cool to ask her. Hey does K have a boyfriend? Think you could put in a good word for me?

    Just make sure that G has no feeling for you.

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