Just had to nip into town on my WFH lunch break. Where I live is mainly narrow winding roads between villages, but once you start heading over the hills into the nearest big town they open up and become somewhat straighter, so you can see if there is any traffic coming the other way.

I’d been behind 3 cars (none of them were part of a funeral procession) following a hearse, carrying a coffin, doing 10mph for 10-15mins. I know there are no churches for another 3(ish) miles so when I saw the opportunity and nobody else was taking it I overtook. Didn’t have to rev the engine much, kept in a high gear as to not make too much noise and didn’t break the speed limit.

Is this bad etiquette, frowned upon or disrespectful? I didn’t think it was but my (non driving) GF says I should have waited.

  1. Generally not the done thing on roads like that, dual carriageways or motorways are different.

  2. You’ll be fine, don’t forget to spill salt, break some mirrors and walk under a ladder or two. Oh and use a ouija board.

  3. Should have shouted out the window and given the finger, then atleast you’d have the certainty of knowing you’re going to hell.

    Youre towing the line currently

  4. Something doesn’t add up here.

    If I read you right there were 4 cars in front of you, the hearse and 3 cars which were not part of a funeral procession (although I’m not sure how you know that)?

    If that’s truly the case there was no need for the hearse to drive at 10mph for 10-15min. The only reason for a hearse to drive this slow would be if they lead a funeral procession.

    If the hearse was travelling on its own at 10mph then I don’t see a problem with overtaking it. It’s not disrespectful if there is no funeral procession. It’s even possible to argue it was inconsiderate and dangerous driving by the hearse if there was no funeral procession.

    If however there were, say, 10 cars (hearse, 6 cars following it in a funeral procession, 3 other cars not in the funeral procession), then you overtaking it would indeed have been inconsiderate.

    You need to clarify this a bit to get a good answer.

  5. Expecting downvotes but I don’t see this as that disrespectful.

    Were it me in that coffin I wouldn’t want to inconvenience anyone just because they happened to be driving behind me, even if they’re just nipping to the shop. I don’t care if a stranger ‘disrespects’ my death celebration.

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