Hi all,

I (23F) matched with a guy on bumble (21M). He seems really cute, but I’ve noticed that since the start of the conversation, he’s been a very dry texter. I’m not sure if I should take it a lack of interest or whether he is just not a good texter, but when I do ask questions, it’s followed by a short response, or he responds and writes “wbu,” but it seems like I am carrying the conversation more.

Something also kind of funny is that to start I texted him and said “Hi (name) you seem very cute!” And then I followed this line and asked him a question about his profile (he responded to the question but didn’t acknowledge the comment about being cute haha, don’t know if he’s shy?)

Any tips on how I can get him to open up more? Any insight is appreciated!

  1. Go on a date with this person if the conversation isn’t one-sided then you have your answer . ALSO if you’re the kind that is looking to check your phone and expect an ongoing conversation with someone you’re interested in then it could hurt (you’ll decide what to compromise ).
    Personally I unmatch after observing one sided convos for like 48hrs . If I date someone they’re my friend I should be able to tell you about my day same goes for that person.

  2. People on text can be veryyy different than in person. I suggest you suggest to meet up with him! Don’t waste time. I used to ask guys to meet within 48 hours if matching. I didn’t want to continue to waste my time for weeks or months messaging if we didn’t click in person. See how the conversation flows with this guy. If you get along he might be more open to texting more, who knows. Or if you want to chat before that then ask for a call, or even better for a video chat. I used to do this before meeting a few guys if our schedules were conflicting. It saved me a lot of time by figuring out if there was a connection or not before getting all dolled up to go meet up on a date or whatnot. If he still texts dry and it bothers you then you don’t have to continue. He’s just a dude from a dating app, there’s plenty of them out there. Some more interesting and fun than others!

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