What movie do you know line by line?

  1. Star Wars OT and the first three Indy Jones movies (I always muse about rather having learned some Shakespeare and Homer lines, but that was the time I grew up in, the beginning of decadence, so to speak)

  2. Spaceballs

    Transformers: The Movie


    Ghostbusters 2


    Army of Darkness

    The Big Lebowski

  3. *Burn After Reading*

    *The Game* (1997)

    *Midnight Run*

    *Wag The Dog*


    *Planes Trains Automobiles*

    *Traffic* (2000)

    *Marathon Man* (1976)

    *Shrink* (2009)

  4. First 3 Star Wars movies. I’m talking New Hope, Empire, and Jedi. I grew up on them. I remember reading a spoiler in the local paper about Jedi that confirmed Luke and Leia were siblings. I don’t remember seeing New Hope but I know we did. I most certainly remember Empire and Jedi. Vader’s redemption and Luke cremating him literally left tears in our eyes. How someone so evil throughout the trilogy was so suddenly human. I’ve watched all three more times than I can count.

  5. Bee movie due to my ex housemates baby watching it every hours of everyday.

    And Lord of the rings trilogy because its my fave and ive watched it around 60 odd times if not more.

  6. Pineapple Express is a classic. “Hey, Ted!
    You killed my brother, Caucasian son of cocksucker! Suck my balls! TWo times!”

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