How can you know when someone is datinging you only because of their lust, im a guy a I personally want to know the tell tell signs of when a female is only dating you because of lust and how would they go about it slickly, or is it even possible to know.

  1. They don’t try to truly get to know you on a deeper level. Any compliments are physical in nature, and nothing of substance. Everything will be shallow in nature.

  2. Chances are, they wouldn’t try to involve you in their life in any way beyond sex. This includes not taking you seriously or outright ignoring you. They may also engage in mate-guarding and be jealous with even benign interaction with other women.

  3. I think it will be she won’t bother asking you about stuff that matters to you emotionally, like family, hobbies, your likes and dislikes etc.

    She won’t want to bother knowing how you tick, or you as a person.

  4. You never meet their friends. You hardly ever go out during the day. You get texts at 10pm asking you to come over with some fried chicken.

  5. She’ll encourage you to date other women but still text you to come over late nights.

  6. When every actions screams that they wanna flaunt you then they like showing u around. If they wanna spend and know u on a personal level then they will spend personal time with and definite get u to know you personally.
    Disclaimer: this advice came from a guy who has never dated so take with caution 😂

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