I don’t have anything against eating in the car, but surely most people would be within a short drive of somewhere nicer than a car park on a retail estate?

  1. A mix of wanting McD’s, not wanting to put up with war cries from badly behaved kids, and wanting to eat the food hot. Why drive somewhere else when car park will do?

  2. We live 15 minutes from McDonald’s at least. By the time we get home the food is freezing so now if I we crave a maccies we’ll scoff it in the car so at least it’s hot

  3. 1) (personally true of us). Out with someone of limited mobility. Nice treat to eat a McDonalds meal together in the car (so view is not material) without the infirm person having to get in and out of the car an extra time.

    2) (personally true of us). Travelling for work, but it is less messy and safer if you stay parked to eat the burger, however, it’s quicker to buy it in the drive through lane than to park, walk in and eat in.

    3) (not personally true but plausible to me). Hungry children demanding instant gratification.

  4. Well id say that fast food, just does not stay hot long enough to sustain a trip to going back home, reheating it just ruins it, therefore its easier to order, wait and then enjoy.

  5. It’s quicker. McDonald’s metrics rate drive through service time as pretty much the most important thing, whereas regular customer in store is the least, with food delivery drivers being in the middle.

    Plus as others have said, in person stores are grotty and full of nasty kids or teenagers no one wants to be around.

  6. I don’t know why you’d think this is weird. I came to eat not piss about finding a “nice place to eat”

  7. Something I’ve noticed this year is people having a pint in their car or van, so they’ve driven to the pub, gone in and bought a pint and carried it out to their vehicle to drink…

  8. Why spend 23 minutes in heavy traffic looking for a view of some hillside Heather by twilight when you can immediately scoff your hot Big Mac in an industrial dogging spot that smells of Diesel

  9. Drive somewhere nice? McDonald’s drive throughs are usually in the middle of retail parks or service stations, not the rolling countryside. Also the food starts to go cold very quickly.

  10. Because my kids are asleep in the backseat and it’s going to be the only meal I eat in peace all week

  11. I get a McDs driving back from Celtic Park after a game. Makes sense to eat it there whilst it’s warm and I can listen to the game recap on the radio as opposed to eating it cold at home.

  12. Because drive-throughs often don’t have much seating inside, and places you can sit down to eat don’t have parking, and all you really want to do is eat something reliable and cooked in as short a time as possible before continuing to where you actually want to be.

  13. Note I do this on my own on a work commute rather than a trip or anything, but primarily it’s quicker and quieter and I don’t have to enter a Royal Rumble with the 30 Deliveroo drivers to get to an ordering machine they’re currently blocked.

  14. Sorry officer, Dodgy something said it’s wrong to park up and eat – never for one moment did I think it was illegal to eat and drink while driving!

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