Do you actually feel angry? Dissapointed? Embarrassed? Scared? Happy? What do you think about men that are like that? Is that sexist behavior from their side or a normal reaction that is expected from a male and is nothing weird for you?

Sorry for weird and kinda creepy question

  1. Glancing back and moving on is okay, I may even feel pretty. It gets creepy if he lingers, stares for too long, actually turn around or starts to follow me.

  2. I don’t like it, but I can’t physically fight every guy that does it. In general I feel that men think they have a right to stare at me, but do not appreciate it when people stare at them.

    I would not date or befriend a man who regularly did this to other women in my presence.

  3. Ususally my thoughts are pretty quickly at an angry “What, do I have cookies over there?!” and sometimes I might voice it. Or stare back until they back up and leave.

  4. I find it tiresome and a bit objectifying. It’s not going to ruin my day or anything, but I think less of blokes who do it.

  5. Assuming you mean turning to look at them because they want to “watch them walk away” because they find them attractive: Like they are being inappropriate and sexually objectifying generally. Apparently women can’t just walk around existing without some random men feeling the need to obviously and openly objectify them by making a big deal about staring at their backsides. I wish those types of men would grow the fuck up and act like respectful humans on the outside even if they feel the need to be an ass in their own mind.

  6. How would you know they turned around if you didn’t turn around yourself? The one time I was told someone turned around after me, I was fairly sure the person telling me was lying.

  7. Looking quickly and keeping it moving afterwards doesn’t bother me, lingering is what bothers me

  8. Jokes on them, my back ends in legs. Prepare for disappointment if you were hoping for a nice ass

  9. Men that need to sexualize every woman out in the street need some fucking therapy.

    I just want to exist and not be objectified, bothered, interrupted, and harassed when I’m just going about my day.

  10. I feel like I forget how to walk when someone looks back as I pass by.. I have this over irrational fear that I’m walking to I don’t know how to put one foot in front of the other… I dunno it’s such a weird feeling..

  11. I don’t notice such things because that person has already been removed from my consciousness – out of sight, out of mind.

    I had a male friend catch a guy on the street doing it and saying something putridly sexual about me, and he said if I hadn’t been moving so fast he would have stopped to lay down some wisdom, which made me smile.

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