In my past relationships, I’ve been cheated on and it was always a girl “their type”. Bc of my ptsd from this I will ask guys I date if I’m their type. However, if their exes look completely different than me, I don’t bother. Am I limiting myself? I do this subconsciously bc I feel if I’m not their type, then they will cheat.

  1. People who cheat will cheat even if you’re their type. Don’t let some jerk’s excuse hold you back from dating.

  2. This might make you feel safe but in reality it does nothing to protect you from being cheated on.

    Even if your theory were correct what would stop them from cheating on you with someone else who was also that same type?

    My girlfriends over the years looked quite different from one another. The reason I say that is because trying to assume that someone just has one type may also be a mistake since not everyone is just after one thing.

  3. Men don’t have “types”. That’s very much a women thing. We either find you attractive or we don’t. We’re not looking for a specific “type” of girl.

  4. You’re doing this *consciously*. You’re choosing to ask this question. You’re deciding to walk away. I don’t think it makes any sense, tbh, but I also don’t think it’s the worst thing shared here

  5. What you’re saying makes sense but no guy in their right mind is going to you that you’re not his type. Plus, just because you’re not his “type” doesn’t mean he doesn’t find you attractive. This all falls into why he would keep his mouth shut about such a thing. He isn’t going to say something that would sabotage a relationship (regardless of how serious it is) with a woman he’s wildly attracted to by disclosing such a thing.

  6. You are going into things assuming every man will cheat if you are not his “type”

    Don’t do that. Don’t paint one man with another’s brush. Some men will cheat. Some women will cheat. You cant prevent it. You may get hit by a car. But you should still drive when you need to.

  7. >I will ask guys I date if I’m their type

    Of course they’re going to say yes. Why would they shoot themselves in the foot? I think you should be looking more into the type of guys *you* date, because clearly there’s a pattern there.

    >Am I limiting myself?

    Yes. If they’re going to cheat, they’re going to cheat. Hugh Grant cheated on Liz Hurley with Divine Brown. Do you know what I mean??? And Liz Hurley is *everyone’s* type, including mine.

  8. Don’t know about other guys but I don’t really have a type. Yes, being attracted to you does have relevance but as long as you treat me well and we get along then it’s all I really want. People who cheat on their partners are scum of the earth! You’ll find somebody 🙂

  9. I don’t get your reasoning. Do you prefer to be cheated on with someone that looks similar to you then ?

    I think it’s better to guage if you can trust the other person because if they’re not trustworthy they’ll cheat anyway.

  10. No, you don’t have to, sometimes you might be right. But I will say cheating isn’t due to a type it’s due to lack of control and respect. You need to make sure a guy not only shows interest in you, but also respect you too.

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